Dean Ambrose #41

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"I'm sorry if I let you down," I whispered into Dean's ear from behind him.

His head snapped back to look at me, shaking his head vigorously. "Sweetheart, no way could you have let me down." I knew that he meant it, but this time around I just couldn't believe him.

"I should have just landed that cross body properly, it was so easy." Dean shook his head, resting his hand on top of mine.

"Stop fretting, it's done and dusted." I looked up at him, frowning. He sighed, running his thumb along the back of my hand. "Come on smile, for me." He reached forwards, placing his other hand on my hip.

"Dean," I whispered, feeling his fingers slowly dig into my sides, moving into a tickling motion until I was left with no other option but to laugh.

"See, there's that toothy grin I love."
I shook my head, looking down at the ground to disguise my blush. "You're so easy darling, you shouldn't be so ticklish, nor should you beat yourself up over nothing."

I sighed, nodding my head. "I know, I just can't help it, it's just playing on my mind."

"It doesn't need to, it's fine, so stop worrying about it, you can't do anything." I nodded, feeling his hand on my cheek, kissing my lips softly.

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