Sasha Banks #5

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"Babe!" I opened up the door, walking right through into the front room, hearing Sasha shuffle around in her seat. Behind me the little pug trailed, taking in her new surroundings. I poked my head around, smiling down at her figure.

"You alright?" She asked, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"Yeah, in fact, I've got a surprise for you." She jumped up in her seat a little, making me chuckle, clapping her hands excitedly, the smile on her face growing.

I bent down and wrapped my hands around the small frame, tucking her nicely in my arms. She was already so settled, laying there still, not even barking to give anything away. "Alright, I hope you're ready." I turned around and walked in, watching her expression the entire time, seeing the corners of her mouth turn into a huge smile once she saw what I was holding.

"Cute!" She squealed, standing up and taking the little pug from me. "Is she ours?" I nodded, feeling her other hand fall on my lower back. "This the best surprise ever."

I bent down and kissed the top of her head, tickling the top of her head lightly. "What are we gonna call her?"

"I reckon Sally, what a cute little name for a pug." I sniggered, stifling a laugh, nodding my head in agreement as I looked down at Sally, tickling her baby fur softly.

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