TJ Perkins #46

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"Why are you hanging around with him again?" I barely stepped away from Rich, feeling TJ's presence beside me.

"He's my friend TJ, what's wrong with me speaking to him?" He looked down at me wondering why I'd even ask such a question.

"I just don't want you hanging around people like him." I chuckled, shaking my head at him.

"You're jealous TJ, I can have friends too, even if they're male." His expression dropped noticing that I'd caught him out.

"I'm...I'm not jealous," he tried to reply but the breaks in his voice suggested otherwise.

"You really need to a get a grip, is this what our relationship has come to?" He fell silent for the first time since we'd started dating, staring down at the ground.

"No of course not, I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me." I'd never seen him so sad before nor regretful.

"It's fine, just let me speak to who I want to speak to next time." He nodded, stretching his arms out to engulf me into a tight and apologetic hug.

"You can speak to whoever you want to," he began, "just maybe not Rich just yet," he finished, making me nudge him in the hip.

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