Shinsuke Nakamura #35

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"You ready?" Shinsuke looked up at me, nodding his head whilst running his hand through his hair.

"I'm ready." I laced my hand into the one that hung by his side, squeezing it.

"Smash it alright you're going to be amazing. This is your chance, all you've got to do is go all out." He nodded, stepping forward to rest his forehead onto mine.

"No regrets, right? It's all or nothing." I smiled, pecking his nose softly.

"No regrets. You're going to be amazing." I could tell from his shaky breath that his confidence wasn't sky high. "Nervous?"

"A little, I've never done something this big before." I brought my hand up to brush across his cheek.

"You don't have to have done it before to be great, just look at AJ last year." He nodded reassuringly at me, trying to calm himself down. "Think positively."

"In that case I'll just think of you." I giggled, pecking his lips once again.

"Such a romantic," I teased, stepping away from him. "Don't worry about a thing, because every little thing is gonna be alright."

"Did you just quote Bob Marley?" He asked with a laugh.

"Of course not," I replied, rolling my eyes.

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