Finn Balor #19

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"Come on, she won't mind." I watched Finn dangle the keys to my mum's car in front of my face, trying to seduce me with his cheeky smirk.

"Do you know how much she loves that car, if we damage it she'll be devastated." He shook his head without a care, grabbing my hand anyway.

"I'm a safe driver, it'll be fine." I knew he wasn't going to give in, and I wasn't going to let him go out by himself, eventually finding myself sat in the passenger seat of the Porsche. "Trust me," Finn smiled, revving the engine up.

"If you even scratch this car, I'm blaming you all the way, I'm not gonna save you." He nodded, turning out of the drive, heading straight down the narrow country roads.

"I don't know how much of a good idea this is," I whispered, gripping on tightly to the door.

"Nonsense," Finn grinned, speeding up on one of the sharp corners, the cars wheels screeching along the uneven gravel, following up with a loud crunch.

My eyes fell straight on Finn, his face staring forwards in fear. I shot out of the car, running up to the back wheel, studying the paintwork.

"My mum is going to kill me!"
I shouted, staring at the scratch on the back from one of the rocks that was stuck up, staring nastily at Finn.

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