Sami Zayn #47

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I reached out for my phone, pressing on the home button, waiting for the time to flash up. 8.30 am.

Oh no. This couldn't be happening. I started work at nine, hosting a massive meeting this morning that could earn my company millions.

I leaned out of bed, not even careful to not disturb Sami, quickly throwing on whatever I could find in my wardrobe, applying the minimalist layer of makeup and tying my hair up into a high bun.

I was a mess, but I had no time to spare. I grabbed my bag from the same position I left it in last night, grabbing my car keys from the side and a pair of killer black heels from the shoe rack.

Racing outside I was greeted by the cold air, unlocking my Ferrari, and running towards the door.

I tossed my bag into the back of the car, halting when I heard my name be shouted.

I looked up and watched Sami walk out onto the drive in only his boxers. "You might want your portfolio."

I quickly ran up to him, taking the black folder from his hands, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "I don't know what I'd do without you," I whispered, pushing him back inside before he caught a cold.

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