Big Cass #37

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I looked across to Cass who cradled our wailing baby tightly. The little cries of new life warmed my heart like never before. He couldn't take his eyes off of her little figure and small hands. "You want to hold her?" I looked up at Cass who was looking over at me.

"Yeah, please." I whispered still feeling a little sore. I opened my arms up feeling him place her in my hands. Her cries softened as I brought her into my chest. "Hi little one, welcome to the world." I was already so in love, the overwhelming feeling of a new baby being so much stronger than I ever imagined.

"We did good kid," Cass laughed sitting beside me on the bed. He wrapped his arm around my waist and tickled her little tummy with his thumb. She cooed grabbing forwards and gripping onto his much bigger finger.

"Already a little daddy's girl, anyone would think you were the one carrying her." I heard Cass chuckle, kissing the top of my head lightly.

"I'm sure she loves us both equally." I joined admiring her a little more, watching her eyelids flutter shut as she took her first little sleep in my arms. "See, she's so comfortable around you already." I smiled looking down, resting my head on Cass' chest.

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