The Miz #2

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"She's still into you isn't she." I whispered into his ear, sitting back in my chair as he span around.

"Who? Maryse?" I nodded feeling his hand place over mine. "Just ignore her darling, I'm bored of not telling her I want to be with her."

"Yeah," I hummed, still not convinced. He turned back around to watch the wrestling on the screen.

"Ouch! Ow! Oh!" He kept sounding out noises in excitement watching whilst I stared at the back of his head.

"Why did you choose me?" I finally asked, "what's so good about me compared to her?" He sighed, spinning around to look at me.

"I chose you because you're everything I've ever wanted in a partner and wife, not to mention you're at least ten times hotter then she is." He leant forwards as quickly pecked my lips.

"Thank you," I whispered back, leaning my forehead onto his own.

"You don't ever have to thank me, there was no other option except for you, ever." I chuckled, running my thumb along his cheek, leaning back in my seat.

"If you say so." He smiles across at me, winking slightly as he turned back around to watch the screen again.

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