Brie Bella #24

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I played with the bottom of my jacket hearing Brie walk into the room. "Hey buttercup, I thought you'd be gone by now." I shook my head, trying to distract myself from thinking about my match. She slowly walked over, kneeling down so she was at eye level with me. "You alright?"

"Yeah," I lied, the nerves getting the better of me inside.

"I know what you're going through, and it'll be alright." I smiled weakly at her, appreciative of her support.

"What if I win? Suddenly I'm going to have all these champion responsibilities and media jobs, I don't know if I can handle all of that." Brie shook her head, a strange laugh escaping her lips.

"You'll handle it perfectly, everyone else has managed so I'm sure you will too." I took a deep breath in, knowing that Brie was right. "Whether you lose, or hopefully win I'll be by your side helping and supporting you."

"Thank you," I whispered, as my hand started to steady, my nerves calming down.

"You never have to thank me, now go out there and get that belt darling." We both stood up as I quickly pulled Brie into a hug, giving her a sweet kiss, then walking down to the holding room, her loving words replaying in my head over and over again.

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