Nick Miller and Shane Thorne #19

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"Y/N, live a little." I looked between the two boys who sat beside me on the grass mound.

"Yeah, one little puff won't do no damage." I had no idea where this new attitude came from, shocked to the core.

"I can't. The smell lingers." Their eyes widened in disgust listening to me speak as they both took a couple of puffs of their lit cigars.

"That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard," Shane replied once he'd let out a little cough.

"My Mum is going to kill me if she finds out I've tried smoking." I placed my hand on the grass trying to pull myself up, but two hands pulled me down.

"Be a rebel Y/N, unless, you're scared?" Nick's voice struck a nerve. The smell was getting stronger and stronger, almost appealing to me.

"I'm not scared." My voice was forced trying to sound as honest as possible.

"Go on then." He grabbed my hand, opening it out, shutting around the rolled up joint.

Both of them stared at me, leaning a little closer as I brought it closer up to my mouth, taking the smallest of intakes before handing it back to him.

"See, not so bad," Shane smirked with a smug, knowing grin.

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