Peyton Royce #2

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"Babe." I turned to look at Peyton who's face looked back at mine. "If I ask you a question, will you promise not to think it's weird."

"Of course," I replied, a little bit unsure.

"Why did you choose me? Of all the four billion girls on the planet, why me?" A little blush of embarrassment few on her cheeks making me chuckle.

"I'll tell you why, because you're the most beautiful, funny, caring person in the world, you're just a better version of myself." She moved her head to rest on my shoulder, squeezing me tighter with the arm around my waist.

"That was just what I wanted to hear right now," she whispered whilst I ran my hand soothingly along her back.

"Good, anything to cheer my little koala bear up." She sniggered to herself, burying herself further into me.

"Something funny?" I teased, looking at her face the best I could.

"Nothing, it's just koalas are cute." I packed the top of her head.

"That's good, because you're pretty cute yourself." Her red glow only grew, unaware that I could see as she laughed to herself to try and hide her embarrassment.

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