CM Punk #35

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I looked down at the crashing waves below, the jelly feeling in my legs making me shake. "We've got this." Punk told me taking a grip of my hand. He slowly moved me closer to the cliff edge, looking down at the sea together. 
"Oh my," I sighed looking over at him as he smiled at the sight. 

"Come on. No regrets, right?" I looked over and nodded hearing him countdown from three. He tugged me forwards as we both jumped off the cliff hand in hand, Dalling straight into the ocean.

We both swam back up to the surface, brushing our damp hair out of faces. "That was amazing!" I screamed swimming over to Punk. He wrapped his arms around my waist and threw me back up into the air, twirling me around.

"See, you can do anything when you put your mind to it." The waves divided moving around our intertwined bodies. I grinned at him kissing his lips softly.

"Only because you're by my side." He smiled and kissed me once again, then picked me up and threw me into the see.

"Punk!" I screamed going back under the water, then feeling him pull me back up and carry me in his arms back to the sand. I looked back up at the cliff smiling at the fact somehow I had done it.

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