TJ Perkins #48

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"Stop! Just stop it okay!" The wall of shouts that was being directed towards me was all too much. "Stop yelling at me."

"Oh baby." My back hit the door, as I slowly slid down it forming a crumpled heap on the ground. "Hey, don't get upset."

"Can we just talk? Like normal people do instead of raising our voices at each other all the time." I looked up from my head in my hands as he nodded back at me.

"Of course we can darling, whatever you want to do we will do." He laced his hand in with mine, slowly helping me back up to my feet and over to one of the chairs.

"I can't even remember what we were arguing about, that's how pathetic all of this is." TJ knew, I could see it in his eyes.

"It was probably my fault, most things are." I bit my inner lip, staring over at him.

"Saying something like that is just gonna start another argument." He sighed.

"You're right, sorry," he muttered whilst leaning forwards placing his lips on my forehead, brushing all my loose strands of hair out of the way of my face.

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