Finn Balor #26

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I watched on the monitor as Finn won the Universal title, but deep down I just couldn't be happy, I knew something was wrong, seriously wrong. I made my way around the arena to find him, desperate to know exactly what happened. "So, I'm going to be vacating the title tomorrow night, this shoulders done for." I heard his Irish voice on the other side of the wall as I slowly walked over to the door, noticing his family were with him too. As Finn looked up, I could see the tears in his eyes.

"Oh Finn," I cried, walking over and pulling him into a hug. I felt a few of his tears fall and hit my shoulder dampening it. "I'm sorry that his had to happen, you don't deserve this." His emotions were getting to him far too much then I had ever seen before.

"I don't know what to do," he whispered into my ear, my heart breaking for him as I ran my hand up and down his back.

"It's alright honey, we'll get though this, me, you, and all your loved ones." I told him, desperate to calm him down. I kissed his cheek as slowly his tears stopped falling, and he relaxed in my arms again.

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