Roman Reigns #46

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"What are you doing?" Roman's head quickly snapped around to look at me, shutting down the laptop screen.

"Nothing," he anxiously muttered back.

"Were you stalking my own Twitter?" He bit his tongue, the usual sign that he was up to no good. "Why were you doing that?"

"I was just seeing who you were following?" I raised my eyebrow, walking over to the laptop and lifting the screen back up.

Roman didn't protest, he just sat there and watched me do so, clearing his throat. The screen was mainly made up of all the male accounts I followed. "You were seeing what guys I was following because you're jealous that I might be speaking to somebody of the same gender as you?"

"No...well...kind of." I shook my head down at him, looking straight into his apologetic eyes.

"Do you not trust me?" I whispered, my voice trailing to an almost silent sound.

"Of course I do." He replied, his voice still nervous and shaky.

"I don't believe you," I replied, picking the laptop up from the table before he could do anymore damage.

"I'm sorry," he muttered just before I left the room to head upstairs to the bedroom.

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