Seth Rollins #18

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I sat with the girls in catering, preparing for tonight's show. We were all making random conversation when I felt Sasha nudge my shoulder. I looked up to see Seth walking in, his top off, his hair dripping wet, and his workout shorts on. He noticed me and walked up to me, wrapping his arms around me. "Seth!" I squealed. "Where's your shirt?"

"Why? Got a problem." I noticed all the girls laughing at his smug behaviour as he took a seat in the spare chair next to me. I hid my head in my hands as he greeted all of the girls.

"Oh my gosh," I whispered as I felt him place his arm around me, pulling me into his naked chest. I blushed even more hearing all the girl's giggle.

"I'm embarrassing you aren't I?" I nodded in response, pulling me up from him. "I'll go put a shirt on and then I'll be back." He flexed his muscles one last time, walking out of the room.

"He's such a goon." I laughed as the girls all laughed with me.

"You must have the best time with him." Becky told me.

"Yeah, he's pretty special." I blushed, as all the girls aww'd at me.

"Cute!" Charlotte squealed, as he walked back in, fully clothed.

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