Shane Thorne #17

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"Do you want to hear a joke?" I sighed, shaking my head back at Shane, pleading for him to keep quiet. "Why not?" He asked.

"You're jokes are terrible." He looked a gasp, mouth wide open in shock.

"How could you say such a thing, I'm hilarious." I smirked a little, he knew full well he was under my skin.

"In your head maybe." His shock only grew as his expression became more flamboyant and surprised.

"For that you can sit and listen to my joke." I didn't protest, sitting and waiting, folding my arms across my chest to look more serious.

"I'm waiting." He nudged my arm a little for quiet, clearing his throat.

"Why do penguins move so much?" I shrugged my shoulders at him clueless.

"Why do penguins move so much?"
I asked breaking the dramatic pause he left.

"Because they have happy feet." He barely even finished his joke before he had himself in stitches, clutching his stomach.

"Oh you're so funny," I replied sarcastically, fake chuckling back at him.

Shane sat up, looking at me, ending his laughter. "Tell me about it," he grinned, leaning forward to peck my cheek. "Just be glad you have such a funny guy in your life."

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