Sasha Banks #44

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"So I need to tell you something." I sat across the table from Sasha, as she put her phone down looking at me worryingly.

"Yeah, just let me tell you my story before I forget it." She giggled over at me, clearly reminiscing.

"No, Sasha, sweetie, I really need to-"

"So me and Becky were in the car," she said interrupting me. "This guy beeped his horn at us, so Becky undone the window."

"Sounds great, but look there's something I've been wanting to get off of my chest for a while now." I took a breath to carry on talking when she started talking again.

"Becky literally stuck her head out of the window and started shouting at this guy, even though his window was done up." She laughed to herself about it, but I just sat watching it.

"Stop interrupting me, I'm trying to talk," I pleaded with her. She looked back up over at me.

"Why didn't you just say?" She asked me, as if the last couple of minutes had never happened. I thought she was being serious, until she winked at me.

"Whatever. Anyways, what I wanted to say was that next week I'm going to be travelling with you." Sasha jumped up excitedly, coming over and giving me a hug.

"That's amazing! So much better than my story."

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