Dean Ambrose x Seth Rollins #22

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Dean sat across from Seth at the table in the restaurant they found in Florida. Seth reached forward clasping Dean's had in his own. He looked at Dean's messy hair smiling to himself how even though he had made no effort at all he still looked flawless. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

Dean looked up from the ground biting his lip to stop him chuckling at Seth's comment. He shook his head to his boyfriend, smirking at him. Seth grinned at Dean's reaction. Dean had become accustomed to random outbursts from Seth, or cheesy comments. "That's your pick up line, it just gets worse and worse." Seth blushed as Dean giggled at him picking up on his blush.

"I'm just trying to be cute!" Seth defended looking back up at Dean, placing his head in his hand to disguise his blush.

"No it's cute, in fact it's completely adorable." Seth's blush instantly came back as he watched Dean who raised his hand off of the table, bringing it to his lips and kissing it softly. Seth smiled as Dean carefully lowered his hand back to the table.

"Maybe I should use chat up lines more often." Dean's eyes widened shaking his head vigorously.

"Trust me, there is other ways you get me to do that without cringing me out." Dean told him as they both burst out into fits of laughter.

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