Finn Balor #40

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"Do you ever think about what madness life could really be like?" I looked up from my phone across at Finn who continued to stare at his current construction. 

"What do you mean?" The long silence was one of thought, as his hands slowed to build. 

"I just think like could you imagine if we were Lego. What if we didn't have five fingers, what if we had dodgy Lego hands?" It took a couple of moments to register what he was saying, his avoidance to look at me was a strong sign just how serious this thought was. 

"What goes through your mind? I mean seriously. Sure I sit sometimes and wonder what life would be like if I had another sister, but not what if I was an imaginary yellow creature whose head could be dismantled." He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. 

"There's so much more to it than that, life would be so much easier, plus you don't have to worry anymore about not being able to reach an awkward scratch." It was difficult not to laugh, as he took it so seriously, having clearly put so much thought into what life would be like as a piece of Lego.

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