Finn Balor #18

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I laid down on the bed looking up at the white ceiling when I felt a thud next to me. I turned around to see Finn lying next to me, limbs sprawled out everywhere. I looked down seeing his defined abs free. He looked across at me, "you alright babe?"

"Where's your shirt?" I asked him as he pulled me into him.

"Why'd you ask. Do you want me to go and put one on?" He went to stand up but I placed my arm across his chest pulling him down.

"No of course I don't. You just don't usually walk around topless." I couldn't help but stare at his rock hard abs, placing my hand on top of them.

"Maybe I fancied a change." I felt him kiss the top of my head as I giggled at his touch.

"Well it's definitely a good change. I could certainly get used to seeing those abs more often." I curled up into his body as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Maybe I might have to do this more often then if it makes you happy."

"Maybe you should because it makes me very happy indeed," I said to him, kissing his shoulder, running my hand over his abs.

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