Seth Rollins #24

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"Is that my tablet?" I walked in staring down at Seth who looked up at me with a soft pout.

"Technically it's our tablet." I gave him a puzzled glance, raising my eyebrow at him. "What?"

"It's not our tablet, it's mine, I bought it." Seth shook his head at me, standing up and walking over to me. "You're planning something."

"How about an arm wrestle?" I didn't quite understand what he was on about, staring back at him blankly. "That way I can make sure that I have my tablet and stop you borrowing it."

"What if I win? Have you thought about that?" Seth let out a throaty chuckle, tipping his head back so he was looking at the ceiling. "I'm being serious."

"So am I." I shook my head, brushing past him, nudging him in the arm. I grabbed two of the chairs and moved them to either side of the table.

"Put the tablet down and take me on Rollins. I'll show you how strong I really am." Seth still didn't look convinced, lacing his hand in mine. "Three, two, one." My hand fell instantly much to Seth's delight.

"Ha! I win!" He smiled, picking the tablet back up and skipping off with it.

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