Dean Ambrose x Seth Rollins #11

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The warm water hit Dean's body, filling him with warmth after what could only be described as one of the most stressful days ever. Seth didn't know yet, but downstairs he couldn't help but feel a little mischievous.

He could hear the water running, so crept up the stairs so Dean couldn't hear him, grabbing a cup and running it under the cold tap.

Dean stood under the water, oblivious to the fact his boyfriend was outside ready to attack him with a refreshing hit of water. "Oh! I wanna dance with somebody." Dean ran his hands through his hair, singing to one of his all time favourite songs in the shower, at a very odd pitch, meaning Seth had to struggle to hold back his snigger.

He stepped up onto the platform just before the shower, reaching up on his tiptoes and tipping the water over Dean. "What the hell!" He jumped back, hearing the water turn off, and the curtain whip back. "I swear down, I'm going to give you ten seconds to run."

"You can't you're dripping wet." Dean glared at him, whilst Seth bit onto his tongue trying to stifle his laugh.

"I don't care right now. Ready, set, run." Seth ran down the stairs into the kitchen, layered in marble floor, hearing Dean follow behind him, but stop when he reached the entrance.

"That's unfair, if I fall in here I'll go flat on my face." Seth chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, pulling out a chair, happy to play the waiting game.

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