Brock Lesnar #3

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"Can we do something fun tonight?" I asked Brock walking into our living room, and sitting beside him.

"What have you got in mind?" He asked me, pulling me into him for a cuddle.

"I don't know, maybe something childish and fun." I looked up and saw Brock shaking his head, his expression, blank.

"What are we six? Shouldn't we be doing something a bit more grown up." I sighed, sitting up and getting off of him. "Come on babe."

"You can do your grown up stuff. I'll just build my blanket fort alone." Brock looked back over quickly at me.

"You can't just build a blanket fort without me." He protested. I shook my head in defiance.

"Watch me. Clearly you don't want to as it is too childish, so I'll just do it by myself." I stood up getting all the things I needed from the sofas and chairs, throwing them into the middle of the room.

"I'm sorry, blanket forts aren't childish at all." He sat down in the pile of blankets, crossing his arms and pouting.

"Look at you grovelling now like a big baby." I teased.

"Can you just accept my apology and let me join in?" He asked.

"Yes," I sighed, walking over and kissing his lips.

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