Finn Balor #6

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"Hey," I heard a quiet Irish voice whisper. I lowered the duvet slightly, watching Finn walk in with a tray in his hands. "I got you a few bits."

He came over and placed it at the end of my bed, my favourite book, a bowl of soup, and some more tablets to take with a glass of water. "Thank you," I weakly smiled, beckoning him over with my finger. "You're too good for me."

"No I'm not, I just want to make sure my baby girl is feeling better, I don't like seeing you unwell." He leaned forwards and pecked my forehead, careful not to get too close. "What do you want first?"

"Maybe the tablets, might as well get them taken." He nodded, handing me the tablets to put in my mouth and then the glass. "I hate doing this," I moaned, raising the glass up a little.

"You won't even remember it, after three, one, two, three." I shut my eyes tight, throwing my head back, gulping them down. "There you go."

"That was horrible," I whispered, wiping the corners of my mouth free of water droplets.

"You did it though, and now you've got some delicious soup to get rid of it with. He smiled sympathetically, handing me the bowl and a spoon.

"You're the best," I told him, blowing the hot soup cool.

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