Baron Corbin #2

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I watched him closely as he ran a hand through his damp hair, slowly walking over to approach him. "Hey," I whispered, his sad eyes looking up at me.

"I'm sorry," he quickly responded, looking back down at the ground.

"Why are you sorry?" I softly asked, standing so I was right in front of his much bigger frame.

"I'm such a loser Y/N, I let you down, I let everyone down. I lost, that was my chance to be the champ and I messed it up, I mean why did you even choose me? I'm such a failure." His voice broke throughout, only breaking me further.

"I chose you because your simply incredible Baron, and one match doesn't define you. You're funny, smart, handsome, kind, the list goes on." His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me in close to him.

"I just wish I could have won for all the people who supported me." I ran my hand through his hair this time, his face moving upwards to look at me.

"It doesn't matter, the people who truly support you still love you regardless, don't beat yourself up about this, there are plenty more chances in the future." He nodded, leaning up and planting a soft yet sad kiss on my lips.

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