Dean Ambrose #3

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"I'm so bored!" Dean groaned, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, pulling me down into his chest. "What can we do babe?" 

"How about we build a blanket fort?" Instantly I could tell my idea had gone down like a led balloon by the silence that filled the room. I span around to look up at him noticing his distinctive frown. "Come on, it'll be fun!"

"We aren't six anymore, we play video games, not building blanket forts." I sighed, throwing my legs off of the sofa, standing up awat from Dean. 

"Fine, I guess I'll just build my blanket fort alone then." I grumped, marching over to the cupboard, pulling out all of the blankets I could find on the shelf. 

"Are you seriously going to do this?" Dean asked, running his hand through his hair, rolling his eyes like he usually did. 

"Of course I am, if you want to be bored then that's fine, but I'm going to entertain myself." I began to move the furniture around, draping blankets around the house when I heard a creak in the sofa. 

"Fine," I heard him groan, standing up and picking up the snowflake blanket, draping it from the sofa to the dining room chair. 

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