Nick Miller #28

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"Where's my phone?" I looked up, slowly moving my hand away from the cushion my back rested on, smiling up at Nick as he walked in the room.

"I don't know, where is your phone?" He shrugged his shoulders, looking around the room.

"I don't know, if I knew I'd have it in my hand." I chuckled lightheartedly, desperately trying to keep the smile on my face as natural as possible. "Can you ring it?"

"Oh, I don't know where my phone is." He raised his eyebrows, looking down in between the cushions.

"I do." I followed his gaze, letting out a little sigh once I saw it, slowly picking it up and ringing his number, pressing my back to the sofa to try and stop the vibrations.

"It's ringing." He nodded, listening around the room closely, his head turning to look at me.

"Have you hidden it?" I shook my head, the two dimples on my cheeks slowly appearing. "Gimme my phone babe."

"I don't have it." I protested, but he already made his way over to stand in front of me.

"Remember I know your weakness." I shook my head, chuckling, watching his hands lean down to start attacking my sides.

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