Finn Balor #46

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"Did you wanna go out to that new restaurant?" I asked Finn walking down the stairs into the living room.

"Not really, I've just started this airplane, they reckon it could take three hours." I half smiled sarcastically, moving round to the kettle.

"It's nice to know you're willing to pay more attention to a Lego figure then you're own girlfriend." I reached up and grabbed a mug and the coffee beans, filling the kettle up with water.

"What did you say?" I paused, not thinking he would hear me over the kettle. "Don't tell me you're jealous of a plastic figurine."

"Of course not, I was just looking forward to the two of us going out tonight." He sighed, putting the pieces down, walking over to me.

"How about this? Give me an hour to finish this little bit, and then tonight I'm all yours." His arms snakes around my waist, squeezing me tight to his chest.

"What about half an hour and you don't have to wear the suit I bought you to dinner."

"You've got a deal," he replied without a shadow of a doubt. I, on the other hand knew a red velvet suit would come in handy across the years.

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