Alexa Bliss #11

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I laid down on the sun lounger, bringing my shades over my eyes, shutting my lids tight as the sun beamed down on me.

My mind wandered to my usual dream, lifting the world championship at Wrestlemania, the whole crowd chanting and applauding me, when I felt a light tickle on my shin.

It stopped.

I smiled back to myself, feeling the referee raise my hand when I felt the light movement brush over me again. I sighed, pulling my sunglasses back up so they rested on the top of my head, looking down to my legs noticing Alexa smiling down at me. In her hand was two feathers that had fallen into the garden.

"Hey sweetie," she smiled, pulling them behind her back. "You looked a little comfortable there."

"I swear down, I'm going to give you ten seconds to run," I told her, swinging my legs around the sun lounger, pushing up so I was standing.

"No!" She squealed, running straight back into the house, bounding up the stairs.

I giggled to myself, sitting back down, resting back on the recliner, knowing that it would take a while for Alexa to realise that I was never going to come and get her.

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