Sasha Banks #21

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The waitress came over, placing the cheque on the table. Me and Sasha both reached forwards grabbing it, each grabbing an end and tugging on it until it ripped. We looked over at each other, laughing at our idiocies, as the waitress looked down stunned. "Can we get another bill please?" Sasha asked making me laugh. The waitress grinned, nodding at us.

"Yes, if you settle who will pay it first."


"I will!"

"Sasha, you get the next one, this one is on me." Sasha smirked, nodding at me, as the waitress went off to get the cheque, and I got out my purse.

"You're so sneaky, but next time I'm paying." I nodded as the waitress came back, handing it over to me. I gave her my card to put in the card machine.

"You're a really cute couple by the way." Both of us jumped up in our seats slightly.

"Oh no, we're not dating." Sasha corrected her.

"We're just good friends." I reiterated.

"Oh, well I'm sure you would make a lovely couple. Have a nice evening." As the waitress walked away me and Sasha burst out with laughter, slightly in disbelief at what the waitress said.

"That was so funny!" Sasha giggled, as we got up from our seats.

"At least we'll always have the fact that we're cute to keep us going."

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