Roman Reigns #15

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"...yeah and the match went amazing, I even managed to hit Kevin with the Spear, plus I got cheered." I sighed listening to Roman's excitable voice on the other end of the phone. He'd been away for nearly a month on a huge global tour, and I was missing him like crazy.

"That sounds great Ro," I smiled. I could hear him sigh on the phone, knowing he knew something wasn't wrong. Usually I'd ask him all about his day, but I just wasn't in the mood to have to hear his voice, and make me miss him more.

Babe, what is wrong?" He asked.

"I just miss you, when will you be home?" I hated having to say these sorts of things to Roman, it always made him feel awful, and sometimes he even came home early so I wasn't sad.

"I've got five days left, and them I'm back home." I nodded, even though he couldn't see me.

"I guess that isn't so bad," I whispered, looking across the room at the photo of Roman and I at the beach.

"Five sleeps, that is all it is. I've been gone for twenty three days, five days is nothing," you told me.

"You're right," I replied, feeling a whole lot better about myself that he'd be home soon.

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