Becky Lynch #41

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I sighed, throwing my bag down on the floor, trying to find something to stop me letting all of my emotions out. Becky followed behind me, wary of my sadness. I walked straight upstairs and slid into bed, desperate to wake up and know the day would be over. I tossed and turned when eventually Becky made her way up to our room. "Hey love, don't be sad." I groaned turning over and facing her.

"You make it sound so easy." She came over, placing her hand on my cheek.

"Usually I'd make a great pun about how there is always another chance, but right now I feel like you'd probably go crazy." I wanted to laugh at her, but my anger stopped me. Becky knew straight away, as she moved so she was looking straight into her eyes. "Come on, you know you want to, smile, for me." She pulled a funny face at me, as my fits of laughter eventually were let out. Becky grinned seeing me out of my mood, as I instantly felt better about everything.

"I hate the things you do to me," I told her, the horrible events of the day leaving my mind, as I enjoyed a little laugh with Becky, all my anger disappearing.

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