Dean Ambrose x Seth Rollins #18

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The boys walked into their dressing room after a huge match against Gallows and Anderson. Both were dripping in sweat, and their muscles were aching, from the brutal beat up they both took. "First one in the shower!" Dean shouted, opening up the door for Seth.

"How is that fair, you don't even care about your hair?" Dean tutted, walking over to his duffle bag and pulling out his shower necessities.

"Sorry pumpkin, but if you snooze you lose." He smirked, shutting the door to the bathroom and running the hot water. Meanwhile, Seth slumped down into the uncomfortable metal chair, pulling out his phone.

"Seth! I forgot my shampoo, can you chuck it to me?" The door slightly cracked open so Dean's voice could be heard.

"Oh I'm sorry, now you want me. Why don't you come out here and fetch it yourself?" Seth bit his tongue trying to stifle his laugh as Dean's slightly damp head poked around the corner. He sighed, pushing the door open and walking out into the open space. "Ew, where's your shirt?"

"Don't pretend you don't laugh it," Dean teased, picking up the bottle, then walking over to Seth. He giggled, the only way Seth made him, and leaned down to peck his forehead.

"What is wrong with you, you're soaking wet?" Dean laughed, turning away.

"I know."

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