Xavier Woods #27

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"Do you think we should talk?" Xavier looked up from the seat, his hand was wrapped carefully in bandages, with small patches of blood soaked in. 

"I just want to know why?" He sighed, patting down the chair beside him for me to sit in, which I did so. 

"You weren't there, you didn't hear the things he said, and I know what you'll say, you'll tell me that violence is never the answer, but honestly, I just want to protect you and if using my fists is the way to do it then that is what I shall do." I reached forwards, placing my hand over his gently. 

"You're right, violence is never the answer, but I also couldn't love you more for looking out for me and being the greatest person." He leaned forwards a little, pouting his lips and shutting his eyes. "Fine, I guess you've deserved it," I giggled, leaning forwards and planting my lips onto his briefly. 

"Don't I deserve more than that?" He whispered trying to recapture my lips. 

"Maybe when you're better, I'll show you just how grateful I am for you." He quickly sat upright, opening his eyes. 

"I like the sound of that," he smugly grinned. 

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