Sasha Banks #10

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"Hey darling, I've got a letter for you," I watched Sasha walk into the bedroom, handing me an envelope. I looked over at her sceptically. "Don't worry, it's not bad."

"Have you read it already?" I asked as she shook her head. I ripped off the seal taking out the piece of paper, unfolding it. At the top of the page was an official WWE stamp as I started to read the letter. Sasha came over sitting beside me, watching as I read the letter. I scanned over it, when I finally reached the main part. We are offering you the chance to come and sign with the company and become a full time wrestler. I looked over at Sasha in shock as she grinned over at me. "Did you do this?"

"No, of course I didn't, this is all your hard work paying off, and you getting what you deserve." I leaned over kissing her cheek, reading it once again to make sure it was true.

"I don't know what to say, I'm getting signed to the WWE!" I shouted, jumping up and down in the room as Sasha joined me.

"I'm so proud of you! We're going to be travelling the world together doing what we love." I pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head.

"Thank you for everything."

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