Sasha Banks #29

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"So, I have got the perfect fancy dress outfits for the two of us." Sasha came into the bedroom with two hangers and costumes bagged up. She handed me one, and kept the other one to herself. I looked over at her. "It's not that bad." I unzipped the bag to see a bright green costume, instantly knowing what it was.

"You've got to be joking." I pulled it out to reveal a horrendous Luigi costume, with a moustache to match.

"I swear I'm not joking. Look. I'll be Mario, and you can be Luigi. We'll be the cutest twosome at the party." I shook my head in disagreement. "Oh don't be like that, live a little love." She stood up, holding her costume up in front of her.

"Looks great," I said sarcastically. I stood up, pulling my outfit in front of me.

You look insane." She squealed clapping her hands. "It's one night, and then you can go back to jumpers and jeans."

"Fine, but you owe me a massive favour for doing this for you." She ran over to me, hugging me tightly, kissing my cheek.

"Everyone is going to be so jealous of us, we'll be the best looking couple at the party."

"If that's what you want to think Sasha," I sighed, putting it away.

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