Dean Ambrose #6

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"Hey love, can I show you something?" I followed Dean's voice to see him slouched on the sofa, his feet up and his arms stretched out.

"What is it?" I asked looking around.

"It's nothing big, you want be able to see it." He went into his jacket pocket pulling out a long white box, handing it to me. "I just want your opinion on this." I opened the box to see a beautiful gold necklace, with a small diamond charm in the middle. My breath was taken with how beautiful it was.

"It's beautiful Dean, you've picked out a good one. I'm sure they'll love it." He stood up walking over to me, taking it from my hand and the necklace from the box.

"Good, because in that case, if I may." Dean picked my hair out of the way, wrapping the chain around my neck. I gasped as the cold chain hit my neck, the small sound of the clip fastening making me turn around to look at Dean.

"You're too good for me, I didn't deserve this." I softly kissed his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You deserve the world and more. It suits you." I picked up the charm, looking at it closely on my skin.

"It's perfect." I told him, kissing his cheek.

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