Shane Thorne #22

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You sat around at the end of year dinner for NXT with Asuka and Liv. You chatted away when Liv nodded over to you as someone sat beside you. You looked over to see Shane by your side, turning back to the girls, only to see they'd gone. "Have you got a map, because I'm lost in your eyes."

You sniggered as Shane grinned over at you, placing your drink on the table. "Seriously, that's your pick up line?" He nodded as you shook your head in disbelief, placing your hand on his thigh.

"You can't be mad at a guy for trying." All around you people were walking around socialising, as you couldn't help but stare into Shane's eyes as he spoke.

"That's very true Shane."

"So, have you got that map?" You burst out in laughter as did Shane. "I'm joking, but in all seriousness what do you say to a date sometime?" He smiled over at you, staring into your eyes for a response.

"Sure, one date can't do any harm. As long as your promise, no more chat up lines." Shane nodded at you, pulling you into a hug and then walking away smiling going back to his friends as Asuka and Liv came back over.

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