4. A Day In The Life Of

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Audrey woke up alone in her dorm; her roommate was visiting her parents and they don't get along well anyway, so they rarely interact.

She appreciated the privacy and peace of living alone but as soon as she rolled off the bed, reality sunk in.

It was the last day of the month and hence the book store would be crowded with people returning their monthly issues.

It was also Thursday, the last day of the week she gets to set the dance routine and she still hadn't completely finished.

Her assignments were due today and there were high chances of getting surprise tests.

She groaned and closed her eyes. "Holy freaking sh*t."

She convinced herself to face the day before her and reached to room 101 at 8:30AM for her Sociology lecture.

After one and a half hour, she gathered her books, and walked out towards the next lecture. She didn't talk to anyone unless spoken to, especially in the mornings. But if you were her friend, she'd be the most loyal one.

"Yo, Audrey!" A muscular, blonde haired and green eyed boy waved his hand at her.

Audrey held her breath, trying to think of a way to not have to talk to him. But he approached her fast.

"Hey." He smiled at her.

"Hi, Liam."

The guy looked around and whispered. "Would you perform again tonight like last week?"

Audrey glared at him. "You'd enjoy my harassment, wouldn't you?"

"Harassment? You love dancing! I had even added a few extra beats, just for you." He smirked.

Liam worked as a disk jockey in Red's under the name, Dee. He has had a crush on Audrey since she joined the Red's employee list and she's kept declining him because she doesn't do dates.

"That was the last time I ever took the stage."

"But you killed it! You were on fire and you looked so stunningly fierce."

"You should keep your eyes to your music stuff while performances. One wrong beat and everything's screwed."

"Oh, sweetheart, don't worry. These fingers," he wiggled them, "have magic." He smirked and blew at them. She rolled her eyes at the sexual innuendo and pushed him gently.

"I have class. Goodbye."

"Hey, we've progressed!" Liam stopped and laughed. "Last time you told me to f*ck off."

Audrey kept walking and slightly shook her head as a smile appeared on her face.

Liam snapped his fingers and turned around. "So close." He muttered.

As soon as college was over, Audrey ran back to her dorm and took out her bicycle. Dancing had already toned her body and riding everywhere on a bicycle just had a positive effect. She got the best idea of dance routines while riding with headphones on and that's why she took it everywhere she went.

She parked her bicycle in front of a four storey, red bricked building and ran up two floors. She took the shirt which she had tied to her waist and wore it on top of the tank top she was wearing as she ran up. While buttoning the last two buttons, she finally reached the book store.

"Here." She reported at the desk and the guy marked her attendance. She went to stand near her department and sighed. Thus, began her three hour long shift.

A lady working in the same store waved at her. Audrey smiled and returned it. During break, she handed Audrey a blue plastic tiffin box.

"Your lunch. Today I did something slightly different, taste and tell me if you can notice." The lady smiled and removed her platinum blonde hair from the high ponytail.

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