29. Silence Broken

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Vanessa kept herself busy all the time so that she won't be able to think about Luke, her school, her uncertainties about the life she and Audrey were building.

But silence breaks at a point.

Vanessa's point of breakage, unfortunately for her, was the day before the most important day in their life; their official launch.

Over the days, their debut single was advertised, the graphics designer delivered their song cover artwork, they rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed the song over a hundred times each day.

The night before the release of the single, Vanessa sat Audrey down.

"I can't do this for the rest of my life. There. I said it. Plain, simple and straightforward."

Audrey stared at her. "Come again?"

"No, I'm not repeating myself."

"Good. You better not. Never repeat that." Audrey proceeded to get up but Vanessa stopped her.

"Dreya, I'm serious. I don't have a good feeling about this. I'm not sure if I want people to.. be that involved in my life."

"No one's that involved in your life, what are you talking about?"

"Right now, the level is low so you may be able to brush it off, Audrey. But as it'll increase, I'm not sure if we'd like it. I've started to get the taste and I think it might not be sweet at all."

"We've talked about this." Audrey grabbed Vanessa's hand. "These are just initial worries. How those brides have second thoughts hours before a wedding. You're just afraid of the commitment."

"You're not? You run away at the mention of that word."

"In different contexts. Commitment to a career so I don't have to commit to an a**hole is basically my life motto." Audrey smiled.

"We can't step back, Audrey, once we're in. Everyone will have eyes on us."

"A prospect that once excited you."

"It still does, maybe.. but it's just, it's getting real now."

"You've dared to dream, V. We've dared to dream. Now we gotta be brave enough to live them." Audrey consoled. "Just hold on. These doubts will pass on, and you'll be unstoppable."

Vanessa weakly smiled. "I just don't want the sun to rise tomorrow. My stomach is like a deep and hollow pit."

"I'm right beside you. Now and tomorrow."

Vanessa looked up and smiled. Audrey always knew how to deal with Vanessa. No matter how many times she cried over the same things, Audrey was always patient with her.

"So how're your studies going anyway? It's almost May, shouldn't you be having your finals soon? Or did you exempt from them?"

Vanessa scowled.

"I take it as a no?" Audrey chuckled.

"A big no. If this continues, I may have to actually attend classes and give extra assignments."

"What? Forty hours a week isn't enough?"

"Apparently not. I've barely passed my last few tests and my essays are long overdue." Vanessa said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"V, what are you doing? You have to get better grades."

"I know."

"You can't let this thing stop you from graduating. What if it doesn't work out? You need at least a high school diploma to fall back on."

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