38. Woman In White

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"So is this why Ticker is such a huge success? Because he's sold himself to your father?"

"That, or he's just talented."

Audrey snickered. "He raps and I feel myself dying. Maybe God's mercy landed him where he is."

"A little less God and a little more Michael Linhardt. Thomas has been good for business."

Audrey didn't miss the devilish twinkle in his eyes. "I've been in the entertainment industry for almost a year. Is that period of time long enough for me to actually get that evil logic and not be despised by it instead?"

"Audrey, you have no idea how good it is that you're quickly adapting to your environment."

She chuckled as the woman beside her grabbed a waiter and started to make out.

"Eve seems to have confused her fiancé with that waiter." Audrey said and leaned towards Cedric.

He laughed. "Or she just isn't happy about the engagement."

"What? Of course she is. Joe and her have been dating for over a year now. I rarely used to know celebrity news but even I knew this."

"Joe and Eve aren't in love, Audrey. I hope you weren't too attached to their fantasy."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "You and I are no one to comment on their personal lives. You may dominate their careers but you-"

"It's an arrangement." He said and rolled his eyes. "A contract. A publicity stunt to attract attention for their reality TV show. Their relationship is fake."

She turned her head in disbelief. "But I see her and Joe together and it's not forced!"

"They're actors."

Audrey scoffed. "Remember how I said that I'm kinda getting used to the Hollywood tactics since the past year? Yeah, no. I just realized that I'm not used to it at all."

She turned around and made her way back out to where they had entered from. Cedric watched her go and then sighed. As he moved away, Vanessa stopped him.

"What did you say to her?"

"I told her Joe and Eve are a publicity stunt."

Vanessa did a double take. Her eyes glaced at the waiter and Eve, still making out. "Oh, um.. okay, but.. why would that upset her? She doesn't care about neither power couples nor love stories but she did storm away from you. Is she okay?"

"Ask her, Vanessa, I-"

"Owh!" Vanessa felt a strong pull from behind her and then she slammed hard against someone.

"Your turn, girl." A male voice slurred into her ear. He was gripping the belt of her dress from behind to hold her close.

Vanessa instantly began to protest for her freedom. Her reflexives kicked in and she stomped on her capturer's foot.

Before she could do much else, her brain registered that now she was free. Over the loud music, not many people had noticed this—they all did not seem to be bothered by any of it as they were engaged in such activities themselves—but people did notice when the host stepped in.

Cedric ripped Vanessa apart from the guy and with a heavy force, hit the man behind her.

Vanessa was still in shock as everything happened too fast. People nearby gave terrified expressions as Cedric angrily glared at the man on the floor.

He was breathing heavily and had lost all of his usually calm demeanor. "She's wearing white, Alexander."

Alexander groaned in pain before passing out on the floor. Cedric's guards came and lifted him off the floor.

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