98. Let Me Off

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"Thank you, everybody!" Vanessa shouted in a room full of their staff as the cameras filmed them and everyone clapped.

She fed the cake to a few people and talked with them as slowly people started to disperse.

"Will." Audrey placed her hand on a man's shoulder. "Can I entrust Kylie with you?"

Will looked at the girl in question who was busy eating the cake by herself.

"Of course. She seems quiet enough."

"She tends to talk a lot once she's comfortable with someone."

"Guess I just have to not let her get comfortable with me. Won't that make my job easier?"

Audrey snickered. "Just watch over her."

"You got it."

Audrey thanked him and approached Vanessa. "Ready to go?"

Vanessa nodded with a convincing smile. Audrey smiled back, aware of the front that her sister was putting up successfully in front of the people.

"Dreya, you remember my last birthday?"

"Of course. We had a dinner date."

"At a fast food restaurant?" Vanessa laughed.

"I consider it a date. We even went to the movies."

"And it was just you and me."


"I wish it could've been like that even now." Vanessa smiled slightly. "There's too many people here, where we're going, and just the whole world that's wishing me."

Audrey grabbed Vanessa's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"You know," Vanessa started, "while I was cutting the cake just now, what came to mind?"

Expecting something sweet, Audrey asked what it was.

"How Cedric's guard had told me that you were Cedric's target."

Audrey rolled her eyes. "He rarely talks to me-"

"Whatever that illusionary happiness line that he said to you meant."

"Okay, V, we can't trust every single thing that guard said. He might be mistaken. Just because one of this words might be true, doesn't mean all of them are. Let's focus on the present? We'll think about all that later."

Vanessa reluctantly nodded.


Kylie walked through the long corridors of the hotel alone at night.

She looked at the paintings hung up on the wall.

Saw people checking in and out.

Roaming through the hotel along with her was Will. He kept his distance from her so she doesn't find out that someone was looking after her.


The girls arrived at the mansion Cedric was throwing Vanessa's birthday and early graduation party at.

Vanessa felt chills go up her spine when she saw the place.

"Doesn't this look eerily similar to the place where Cedric took us in Spain?"

"You're right." Audrey said. "So I take this party is similar to that one?"

"I already don't want to go."

The car stopped and they stepped out. The silence was calling for them.

"I'm not looking forward to getting molested again."

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