122. Round Two

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"Staying calm in a chaotic backstage is important." Vanessa's voice was heard on a black screen.

Continuous shots of the girls and staff running with them to different parts of the area below the stage flashed through the screen.

Audrey's audio narrated on top, "unexpected problems arise every day."

Vanessa appeared on the screen as she spoke to the person behind the camera. "The set list is tough this time. We barely breathe for those two and a half hours."

Rehearsal clips were shown as Vanessa continued, "but the fans make us go."

The scene changed to the loud cheers and the echos around the arena.

"It makes me stay."

"We built a dynasty. The concert becomes our own little world. Where nothing else matters anymore."

The picture faded slowly

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The picture faded slowly.

"It's the second tour and we're selling out these big arenas. What would remain if these people weren't here?"


Hong Kong

"What's wrong-"

"The in-ear isn't working!" Vanessa shouted and ripped it out. "I'm singing with my ears closed!"

Two people immediately came to remove the piece from her.

"Do we have backup?" Audrey asked, breathless.

The audio was about to start soon.

"Thirty seconds to go up!" Someone yelled.

As the workers quickly changed the batteries for Vanessa's in-ear, she realized she won't get time to check the sound.

"What if it fails again?" She asked.

"Turn it off and on."

Her heart rate picked up speed.

Audrey placed a hand on her shoulder and looked at her in the dim light of the a single torch.
"Seconds left, fight your tears."


Audrey nodded understandingly. "You open the next song. Get it together."

"I might cry up there-"

The audio started and the girls were pushed on the lifts.

The sudden change in Vanessa's stance made everyone feel bad for her, including herself.

"Hong Kong!" She called out as the lift went up. "Sing along with us!"



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