11. Highs And Lows

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Later that evening, Audrey reached the arena where the result list was up. She wanted to believe what Mason had told her but even that couldn't stop her from feeling nervous.

She had abandoned her family over this; if she didn't get in, it'll be a waste.

As she hurriedly climbed the steep staircase, someone grabbed her by the shoulders and stopped her.

"Whoa, there." Mason laughed.

She looked back at him and then proceeded to move forward.

"Audrey, wait!"

"Mason, it's up! I have to go and check!"

He released her and without a glance at him, she ran in. He didn't expect anything much else from her either.

She ran up to the group of people reading and trying to find their names on the list.

"Excuse me.. sorry.. if you could just-" she pushed herself in and moved her eyes up at the list on the soft board.

Mason watched her disappear into the crowd and waited for her reaction at her inevitable fate.

James Jonah Willow

Glenna Justice Rivers

Audrey Olivia Pierce

Her eyes stopped moving. Her lips parted and she felt a relief so deep, it was inexpressible.

She covered her mouth with her hand and paused. I'm in, she thought, truly in.

She bit her lip to stop herself from screaming and calmly walked out. Mason frowned at her silence.

"Did you not-" he started to ask and pointed at the list when suddenly Audrey jumped and threw her body on him. He stumbled back and then realised he was not being attacked, just hugged.

He chuckled and wrapped his hands around her. "Well done, Miss Pierce."

"Mason. Don't wake me up." He heard her muffled voice.

"It's not a dream, babe."

She pulled away, her eyes were moist. He knew just how much it meant for her, how badly she needed this. It brought a warm smile on his face.

She gulped and shook her head. "It's not sunk in, it's not sunk in at all."

He patted her back. "It will when you're performing around the world."

"Oh my God, don't tell me, you're making it worse!" She actually felt chills from his words. Her dream was coming true.

"Don't you wanna call your mom and tell her the news?"

"I can't even speak, Mason. What is life?"

"This." He laughed and hugged her again to calm her down.


"That's mine." Audrey said as she got up from the bench on the bus stop.

A mini bus halted at the stop. The last one for Portlake that night.

Mason picked up her luggage and placed it in the back storage of the bus. "You'll be travelling a lot soon. Don't get used to someone handling your luggage for you."

"Noted." She smiled.

He sighed and shut the door. When she looked at him, the moonlight was falling directly on him. That night was one of the year's darkest, making the moonlight more brighter.

"Thank you, Mason. You were quite a company to have the past days."

"Well, so were you. I had a lot of fun which I wouldn't have had with dad."

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