31. Clever Talks

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If the expressions of Audrey and Vanessa could be summed up in two words, it would be royally surprised.

In five words, had not seen it coming.

Vanessa started, "Linhardt, as in-"

"As in the only living son of Michael Linhardt. Hi, nice to meet you." He said.

"Hi." Audrey replied.

"Forgive me, for my rudeness in not introducing myself earlier. I just wanted to see who you really are, and as you've said before, Audrey," he looked at her, "people here tend to fake a lot. Especially with the media around."

"I didn't particularly say that."

"Wasn't it what you meant?"

"Perhaps but in a little subtler way."

He nodded. "One thing which I'd allow you to know about me." He said after he emptied his champagne. "I hate subtle."

Then he smiled, bowed a little while taking back steps, turned around in his heel and walked away.

"Does this mean Michael's here as well?"

Vanessa shrugged as a response. Her eyes still lingering in the direction Cedric disappeared.

Jeff made his way over to them. "You're not drunk, are you?"

"No." They replied.

"Good, I got a couple of interviewers asking for you. Remember whatever I said, alright? I've told them what questions they can ask and if they ask anything I've not told you, wordlessly walk away. Understand?"

"What if they don't let us go?" Vanessa asked.

"Call for security." Came the reply.

"By the way, Jeff," Audrey pointed behind her, "we just met with Ced-"

"Later, Audrey. Now go."

Since it was one of their first interviews and they were still fairly new, the questions that were asked were pretty easy and the girls already had the answers learnt.

"How were you discovered?"

"How old are you?"

"What type of music influenced your single?"

"What are your expectations?"

"Did you have any help from inside the industry?"

"What's gonna be your next move and when?"

"Many musicians complimented your strong debut. Thoughts?"

"Who's the sister with a better taste in music?"

After rounds and rounds, they were now a little at ease with a camera on their face as they spoke to a complete stranger who was rather interested in their life.

Then, there was a call about Monica Heart's arrival. Vanessa's eyes snapped at Audrey, who was looking at the door with a small smile.

The blonde walked in with Casey Valentine right beside her. Audrey smirked.

She made her way towards them and Vanessa followed.

"Monica!" Audrey cried. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Oh, of course!" Monica replied back as they embraced each other in a hug and immediately the flashes went off.

"Hi, Casey." Audrey said and her smirky tone delivered the subtle taunt; just by those two words.


"One picture of the three of you, please?" A photographer asked Audrey, Vanessa and Monica.

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