125. The Riots

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"Audrey," Vanessa said as she closed her eyes to maintain her cool, "we're sisters. Our interests can be similar."

"Of course they can. But I'm just saying that you should have your own freedom to choose what you like-"

"I have that freedom and you're actually taking it away by saying that if my interests are similar to yours, they're not mine. Do you want me to go against my DNA?"

"I'm trying to talk about it. There's no argument or blame-"

"There's no need to talk."

"This is not solely what I noticed. And it's normal. Others told me that younger siblings tend to want to do-"

"I'm not copying you. Just a change of hair- I- wow. You do know you're not the only brunette in the world, right?"

"It's not just that. Some staff members also said that your styling preferences have changed drastically and I'm worried if you're trying to change yourself forcefully to fit some sort of stereotype or comparison bullsh*t that people always throw us in."

"I'm not. You know me."

"Yes, but it can get to anyone. I want you to enjoy what you like freely."

"I get you, but now I feel like I can't say I like something if you've already liked it because I'm copying you apparently."

Audrey sighed. "V, that's not what I meant."

"I know, I know." She got up and took a curler, "let's just go."

"There's something else I want to tell you. I don't want you to hear it from someone else."


"Well, I don't know if- I've heard from a few people who knew you dated Cedric that what they think the reason you trying out my styles is."

Vanessa laughed. "Are you kidding? They think I'm doing it to catch Cedric's eye again?"

"Glad you caught on without me having to say it."

"Wait." Vanessa's eyes widened. "That means even they agree that Cedric has been showing sudden interest in you since a few months. It isn't just me, right?"

"Does that bother you?"

"No! I f*cking hate the guy! I-" she paused and studied Audrey's reaction. "That's the question you ask?"


"You're asking if it's bothering me because you know it's true and yet you don't talk about it."

"Well, what's there to talk about?"

"Have you always avoided the topic like you have because you thought it would bother me?"

Audrey slowly nodded.

"It doesn't. Doesn't it bother you, though?"

"It'll only bother me if it bothers you."

"You're okay with Cedric? Even after what he does and did?"

"Look. If you don't like the idea of Cedric showing interest in me, it means that it bothers you. But you just said it doesn't. So does it?"

"I see." Vanessa inhaled. "You're looking for an approval so you don't feel guilty for being with your sister's ex-boyfriend."

"I'm not with him, what are you talking about?"

"Do you want to?"

"No. It's just that I don't want to have to ignore him like you want me to. He's a powerful man."

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