114. Wobble

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"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen."

Kylie was looking at the TV channel that was broadcasting a report on Blue Hearts.

"It is a fresh Monday morning, and today is the day after the annual award ceremony that took place last night." The host continued. "Last night, Blue Hearts won some major awards and performed their new charity single Angel live for the first time."

The screen showed snippets of the music video where the girls were filmed in the snow.

"Having secured another chart-topping record in their bag, the girls seem to want to stop at nothing. Their aim is towards dominance of the music scene and they don't look far away from it."

Kylie smiled.


Meanwhile, Audrey chewed him while lying down on the sofa that was adjacent to the recording booth of their studio.

Oliver raised his eyebrows at her.

"What?" She asked, putting more popcorn in her mouth.

"Don't you have to go home and shower maybe? You look homeless."

Audrey pointed at Vanessa, who was inside the booth, clearly practicing her vocals but her voice couldn't be heard.

"She's taking forever in there. I can't leave until I finish my parts."

"Ask her to let you go first."

"She's deliberately taking longer than usual."

"Why? You two fought?" Oliver laughed.

"Something of that sort. Could you warm the hotdogs? I have some in the fridge."

"Get your own."

Audrey rolled her eyes and got up. She yelled at Vanessa on her way. "Hurry up and record I'm waiting for my turn!"

"She can't hear you."

"I know. That's why I'm saying this. We're not on talking terms, you see."

"What happened this time? She was all about how much she loves you yesterday-"

"Because it was my birthday."

"She didn't love you just for yesterday." He laughed again.

Audrey didn't reply.


Kristen placed a cup of hot chocolate in front of Kylie while being on phone with Jeff.

"No, they've not mentioned anything to me." She said in a worrisome tone.

"This is the longest they haven't talked to each other, at least as long as I've known them."

"Yes, they usually end up having to talk in a couple of hours."

"It's been days now. I've tried to resolve the issue but I don't know the details. I think you should talk to them."

"I will. I should. Thanks for letting me know about this."

"Of course, they're your children. I'm only a manager, I can't take a parent's place after all."

Kristen smiled. "You are their father figure."

A second passed before Kristen cleared her throat. "I mean, they admire and respect you like one."

"Mom! It's almost time! What're you doing?" Kylie yelled from the living room.

"Ah, stop screaming. She's in the same house." Jake's voice followed.

"I'll have to go." Kristen said. "I'll talk to the girls soon. Please don't worry about that."

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