113. Revelations

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Vanessa had seen it happen in movies but never experienced it first-hand.

Though she was sure that time hadn't actually slowed down, it did seem like it to her.

"Hello, Vanessa. Long time no see." Cedric smiled.

Vanessa did something. Maybe she nodded, or maybe she nodded so subtly that it wasn't even a nod; she wasn't sure.

"I believe it's been.. um.. six months. Wow." He chuckled. "Have you been well?"

"Yes. You?"

"I've been good. I'm sorry to show up like this after months. I couldn't exactly miss the party, could I?"

Vanessa took a second to ask herself if she really felt bothered by his presence or she felt happy to see him. Had she moved on like she had been thinking that she had?

I don't feel anything while looking at this man, she thought, my feelings have toned down a lot in these six months. I've done so much since last time I saw him that the breakup feels ages ago.

"I'm sorry for forgetting to extend the invitation to you." Vanessa said. "Nevertheless, here you are."

Cedric smiled at her passiveness. "If I'm not welcome-"

"Of course you are." Vanessa said and quickly went to leave.

She had barely walked a few steps when she decided that he wasn't.

She turned around and saw him standing still.

"You know what," she walked towards him, "you're actually not. You're not welcome here. Why are you here?"

"It's Audrey's birthday, isn't it?"

"Yes. So was yours a few weeks ago. Did you see either of us standing at your doorstep?"

"I received a bouquet of flowers from Audrey. I should return the favor-"

"She didn't send you anything."

"I'm sorry to break it to you but she did. You can easily ask her so why would I lie about such a thing?"

Vanessa frowned. "E-Even if she did, you don't have to be present here. Send her two bouquets and you're even."

"I don't think you've talked about everything with Audrey. I was surprised to get that bouquet. She wouldn't have done that if you had told her what you thought of me."

"I don't think anything of you-"

"You've never admitted. But we know, don't we?"

Vanessa sighed. "I'm not even surprised about you finding out things I haven't even told anyone."

"I'm not a mind-reader, just a good observer. People tend to drop more hints than they think."

"You're right. I'm haven't told Audrey about everything that I think you've done because she won't believe me. Not even that, I don't see why she should know all that now. All the XI boys are gone, you were gone, we had our peace. Why would I have disturbed that?"

"Ah. The XI boys that you've started to admire will at least stay alive in your heart, if not anyone else's. I guess they'd be happy with that. It's honorable to be remembered by someone like Vanessa Pierce."

"I'd like that, too. The boys I've started to admire, the least I can do for them is remember them always. After pushing them to their end because I believed someone's lies, the least I can-"

"Do we have time for this? Don't you notice that Audrey isn't here yet?"

"I do. I also notice you're here and you shouldn't be."

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