126. The Player

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"Why are you going back to blonde?" One woman asked. "You should keep this hair till at least your birthday."

"I've not exactly had a pleasant feedback." Vanessa gave a small smile.

"I don't know why people didn't like it. I love your brunette hair!"

"Not just people, even my management seems against the idea. Even Audrey."

"Audrey is a brunette herself."

"Not brown hair, brown hair on me. Apparently, they don't suit me."

"She's just used to seeing you in your natural hair color."

"Maybe. Anyway, I should stick to my natural hair for a while."

"As you say." The stylist nodded. "Though I do feel bad that you were so excited and now you're having to change because of other's opinions."

"Worse has happened." Vanessa chuckled.

She left the salon after a few hours and headed to the tattoo parlor to redo her tattoos.

The artist greeted her with a smile and quickly brought her in.

"I don't think I've ever had a person as young as you come back to get their tattoo redone as many times as you have."


"They probably change their mind quickly. You're almost twenty, it's that age. Commitment is an issue."

"I'm no different. Or I'd just get a permanent one instead."

They laughed and a staff member brought Vanessa her coffee.

"You're running a bit late." He pointed out. "The meeting starts around 1."

"You have a meeting?" The artist asked as he did his work.

"Yeah. It's for the next album."

"It's ready?"

"Kind of. We're at an unclear stage where decisions are yet to be taken so no one knows where we're standing and how much is done or needs to be redone."


"Today we'll mainly decide our release goals and they'll tell us our promotion schedule for the next month. Nothing big."

"I see. I'll get this done soon so you're not late."



Audrey and Vanessa's car pulled up in front of the SMG building's gates. Two guards rushed to open the gates with a wide smile.

Vanessa saw a group of girls sitting on the other side of the road and running across as soon as the gates opened.

The guards ran to block them and the gates were shut before they could enter along with the car.

The group was screaming and the guards fought them back.

"What's going on?" Vanessa asked as she looked at them.

"Not everyone is allowed entry into this building as happily and easily as you." Jeff smiled and pulled her inside.

"There are many who'd kill to be in your position." He added as they walked towards the elevator. "Some aspirants assume that sitting in front of the company will somehow land them a contract."

"Why don't they attend the auditions?"

"Auditions are stupid. Talent doesn't guarantee a contract. They have to have the right set of business skills and visual along with other aspects. Talent plays like, ten percent of the role."

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